Saturday, 1 March 2008

Panoramic Juror Theory

There are all sorts of advantages to Scientology. The main ethos of Scientology is all about gaining power and influence. Jury tampering isn't new in the world of Scientology. It is though interesting. No doubt in response to this statement, there will be frantic tapping on keyboards in an attempt to discredit me. That's fine, that's what Scientologists do.

In life there are a few types of coincidences and the rest happens due to the laws of physics. The key is to look at the facts of the case and derive some conclusions. We shall of course look at the juror phenomena.

On the 17th December 2007 the Jurors went the Henderson case. On the same day Mon Dec 17, 2007 7:09 pm, a Scientologist award winner writes the following on the "Always been my point with these types of cases, other jurors whom I am in contact from other high profile trials say the same thing". Now our question is this, why would the Scientologist award winner wish to know so many jurors. And exactly how many jurors have been influenced? Immediately, the Scientologist Award winner's associate a Mr John Hemming writes a comment on the West Midlands Liberal Democrat website. It is almost as if they were all waiting on the wings for the story to break then immediately [ as we know this is impossible for any MP] had a comment all ready and waiting. I just love the timing of the juror as featured in the media. And shock horror, even the Expert Witness [ one of 12] dresses up for the media. This was just a few days later.

I note that no juror or expert spoke out until the involvement of the John Hemming MP/Bill Bache Team. Isn't that interesting. On the 23rd of December 2007 a few days after the jurors did their soundbites, then came the Times article. The Times article stated " An appeal is being mounted with the help of Bill Bache, the solicitor who organised Angela Cannings’s appeal". We calculate that he must have had the papers for a while. Was Keran Henderson cherry picked for her command of being a "high profile case"? Indeed, why don't we see any other lawyers running the media bandwagon prior to an appeal.

Of course, it would be Bill Bache the man who told everyone that " A certain person did for them what he could never do". You mean like " talk to the newspapers and give them soundbites" that Bill Bache cannot do directly? So if anyone asks Bill, he can truthfully say he was never involved in doing what Alasdair Campbell used to do. Is that what he means? Who does he hand the spinmeister reigns to then? Well, we can think of one person who has always done it.

I always compare the fancy footwork of Bill Bache to a good Tango. He may look like a baffoon and carry a silk handkerchief in his top pocket but we know all about Bill. It isn't just circumstance that the media articles have come in tandem much like a well rehearsed pattern. The media are of course dumb enough to play ball with them all. Its all about selling papers and everyone loves a good sob story.

As I said before, Bill Bache spends his life defending clients. Lawyers say black is white and white is black because it is their profession. Anyway, this is just the start of a interesting tale of intrigue.

This kind of tango can be seen many times over, much like a broken record in each case that revolves around child protection issues. The same team, the same media drive, the attacks on anyone who attempts an opposing argument etc. The overall net result is to damage child protection. Opposing arguments means that person has to be broken down, discredited, taken out of the equation.

This isn't about the truth, it is about bending the truth and it is also about money. Money afterall makes the world go round. Any desperate victim would be happy to take any alms that is offered to them. It is a bit like the film The Picture of Dorian Grey. He sold his soul for his youth. What would any of us do to get out of prison?

Anyway, I shall keep eating my popcorn and watch this case with intrigue. It is all about panoramic views afterall.

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