An email filtered to me today as many do. It was from a very famous campaigning group in family law matters.
It stated as follows "A number of people have been contacting us over the last six months after being or feeling let down by Bill Bache and his office" 31 Mar 2008 08:31
It stated as follows "A number of people have been contacting us over the last six months after being or feeling let down by Bill Bache and his office" 31 Mar 2008 08:31
The numbers seem to be building up don't they Billy Boy? Sporting the silk handkerchief in his top pocket just isn't enough anymore.
Charles Dickens viewed lawyers as being mean, cruel, and relatively heartless (Collins 175). Dickens felt that lawyers were overly concerned with power and not concerned enough about truth.For Jaggers, power is not about helping the little man for charitable purposes. Dickens seems to suggest here ideas about how power has corrupted the intentions of lawyers, people who are in a position to help those in need. Dickens also felt that, far too often, lawyers worked for their own personal gain. For lawyers of the time, manipulating the truth was very much similar to never having to put forth their own definite opinion.
In 2008 there are good lawyers in the world. Bill Bache though has been under fire from his own clients of late. His associations with the criminal mind ex convicted felon cannot be doing his reputation much good. But as he says, she can do all he can't. It also goes to show how low this lawyer will stoop to win his cases. He certainly has absolutely no problems in using the media to further his cases.
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