Monday, 21 April 2008

Publicly Influencing Appeals

Smoking a Fag - its all about high standards of child care

The David Southall Exposed site cited the case of Suzanne Holdsworth. I knew nothing about Suzanne but I didn't have to. I guessed the pathologist would be Waney Squier just as it was in the Henderson case, I guessed the reporter would be John Sweeney saviour of all potentially guilty mothers. John Sweeney whose own competence in reporting was questioned by Ofcom. But John Sweeney really does not like talking about these things. Given Sweeney's slipshod work in the Ofcom complaint, I wonder what other surprises he has in store for us. Sweeney tries desperately to be a scientist but in the end he is just a journalist and apart from his head on collision with Scientology, it is admirable that he may be contributing to their agenda.

And here is old John Sweeney doing his best to persuade the world.

This is what it said " Suzanne Holdsworth, from Hartlepool, is serving life after a court was told she smashed Kyle Fisher against a banister with as much force as a 60mph crash.The two-year-old died in hospital with a massively swollen brain but only some bruising on the outside of his head"Again, like the Karen Henderson case, John Sweeney fails to tell us what the judgment says. Indeed, everyone fails to tell us what the judgment stated.

Then we all look at the fag smoking criminal and wonder whether she does indeed look innocent or not. She has the same look at the campaigner currently assisting her. The one who has assisted Karen Henderson. Both smoke yet claim to watch out for the welfare of children. Smoking has long been known to harm child health.

Mr Justice Grigson told her at Leeds Crown Court: "The evidence was clear that you must have rammed his head against the railings of the banister in your home. "He was vulnerable and he was in your care. I accept that you did not intend to kill him but to cause him serious bodily harm.

However, Nicholas Todd, a consultant neurosurgeon, said that the child’s injuries were so severe that he would not have been able to stand, talk or grip"

"Detective Superintendent Tony Hutchinson, who led the investigation, described Holdsworth as “manipulative”. He said: “She must have known very quickly that she had inflicted serious damage on Kyle and, while she called for medical assistance, she very quickly began to manipulate the system. At the end of the day this was the abuse of a two-year-old defenceless child with such severity as to cause fatal injury.

Her appeal date is set and "Lee Spencer, her long-term partner, says legal advisors, including Campbell Malone from Wigan-based Stephensons Solicitors, believe medical evidence will finally clear her". In summary, Penny Mellor's links with this case are as follows, she has now advertised the forthcoming programme on Newsnight. She is well acquainted with Campbell Malone. She states "Thanks too go to Campbell Malone and unnamed paediatricians, doctors and biomechanics in the UK for their work in this area".

Of course, Campbell Malone isn't perfect. Infact, we can view his standard of work in Kavanagh.

Kavanagh was an innocent man but Campbell knows exactly what happened. Indeed, there were no bells and whistles in the media for this innocent man. Newsnight, Panorama or the BBC were not interested. Kavanagh was later found dead in his prison cell with a bible in his hand. Everyone was of the view that Malone failed him. That was just a view that may well have been correct. Legal aid was had, case law was argued and in the end the man is dead.

Back to Holdsworth, she claimed " During the trail, she claimed Kyle suffered a fit and that his injuries must have been sustained before he came into her care.But a Teesside Crown Court jury heard medical evidence that showed the injuries he received were consistent with his head being hit against a wooden bannister"

And look what Karen Henderson [ also linked to Penny Mellor] claimed
Maeve had a fit as well.A lot of fits are happening in the world aren't there? A fit here and a fit there - every baby who has its head bashed in seems to have had a fit. It seems to be the defence that is passed around all the prisons as a "get out clause". Perhaps its a bit like this " Ah the baby is dead, what can I claim, I know everyone else defends themselves by saying its a fit, lets do it too". After we have done that, lets all go to the media so our appeal judges are influenced by the media speculation"

So, the Dream Team are now campaigning to get potential child abusers out of prison. Isn't that what the aim of Scientology is? Surely not. As predicted, as the UK is now fond of letting child abusers out of prison, there is a shock increase in violence against children.

Could it be that there are now more child abusers out there instead of in prison than the UK government would have us believe? By the sheer nature of her associations, I am of the view that Holdsworth is guilty. She might get off on a technicality but a life sentence is not easy to overturn. While she smokes that fag of hers in prison, we should all go by the good detectives view - that she is now manipulating the situation just like the campaigner she is associated with.

Just remember, the next time your baby's head is bashed in, your child minder can claim they had a fit and the world will believe them. Afterall, everyone believes in the media.

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