Friday, 7 November 2008

Soft Lighting

Well, I haven't been on this website for what seems ages. That is because nothing has been happening. It all seems to have gone quiet.

Justice for Maeve points out the soft lighting used by Karen and Co. We are "Just a normal family plunged into a nightmare". OK Keran, prove it :).

Even the motor mouth has not been talking about Keran.

Of course, amusingly we note that Panorama who featured this case sometime ago, is currently plunging deep into one libel case after another.

So it has been 6 months or more since the last post. There has been no progress on this case that we can see. All that hoo haa over the media, over Panorama etc :)

Right, see you after Christmas then :). Perhaps Motormouth can tell us about the progress in the courts if there is any.

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